Does Colorado require separation before divorce?

Does Colorado require separation before divorce?

At least one spouse must meet the state’s residency requirement, which means living in Colorado for at least 91 days before filing for separation. Colorado is a no-fault divorce state which means that the court doesn’t require either spouse to point fingers at the other to prove the marriage is over.

Can you file for divorce without being separated?

It can be unilaterally initiated by either spouse, or mutually decided. To prove that your marriage has ‘irretrievably broken down,’ in order to obtain a divorce, you must have been separated for at least 12 months. It is possible to be ‘separated under one roof’ if certain criteria are met.

What is the difference between a legal separation and a dissolution of marriage?

The main difference between obtaining a legal separation and obtaining a dissolution of marriage is that in a legal separation you do not ask the court to terminate your marital status. Now, when you file for a dissolution of marriage, you are asking the court to terminate your marital status.