What does Second Wife mean?

What does Second Wife mean?

When he met his second wife Kim at a party, they were both married to other people. He has been married to his second wife for three years. …

How many husbands can a Mormon have?

McConkie wrote that the “holy practice” would resume after Jesus Christ’s Second Coming. Polygamy also exists in the here and now. Divorced or widowed men can be “sealed” (married for eternity in Latter-day Saint temples) to multiple wives, while such women generally can be sealed only to one husband.

Can Mormons get divorced?

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can get divorced. This holds true whether they were married civilly or in a temple. If only married civilly, the couple needs to obtain a divorce under the laws or customs they live under. However, they also need to have their temple marriage/sealing canceled.

Do Mormons use birth control?

Birth control is not banned by the Church. However, as having children is essential for the spirit children of God to come to earth, Mormon couples are encouraged to have children. The Church believes that the decision on contraception is one that should be shared by husband, wife, and God.