What if only one party wants a divorce?

What if only one party wants a divorce?

The truth is that if one person wants a divorce, it can happen. The court needs to agree to grant the divorce, not the other person in the marriage. As long as the necessary financial and legal issues get resolved, the divorce can be completed with one person never agreeing to it.

What happens if spouse refuses to sign separation agreement?

Separation agreement is a general term used to describe a written contract that spouses enter into to address some or all issues arising from their marital separation. Therefore, if a spouse refuses to sign a separation agreement, the other spouse cannot force the unwilling spouse to do so.

What is the longest a divorce can take?

The length of time between the beginning of a divorce case and the completion of the case varies greatly. The shortest amount of time it can take you to get divorced is about 5 months, while the longest can be years (my longest case so far was almost 6 years).