What is soft landing parenting?

What is soft landing parenting?

Soft Landings Definition: Another co-parenting arrangement wherein a divorced couple lives a few blocks apart, or on different floors of the same apartment building. They spend weekends and downtime as a family unit, vacationing together and keeping holiday traditions and other rituals status quo for the kids.

What to do after telling your spouse you want a divorce?

Once you tell your spouse that you want to separate or divorce, you cannot take those words back. So, take your time and carefully think through your decision. You may want to consult with a family therapist or discuss your decision with your parents or closest friends. Don’t threaten divorce in an argument.

What are my rights during separation?

In a legal separation proceeding, a court can decide matters such as child custody and support, alimony and property division. However, as stated above, the spouses will remain legally married and cannot remarry unless and until they get a divorce. which debts each spouse is required to pay.