Who gets the child custody after divorce in India?

Who gets the child custody after divorce in India?

Both parents will have legal custody, but one will have the physical custody (child resides with him or her) and will be the child’s primary caretaker. Sole Custody: One parent has been proven to be an abusive and unfit parent and the other parent is granted custody.

Do fathers ever win custody?

For a father, custody can be difficult to win, even though the courts do not discriminate against dads. Whether you are a father going for full custody or joint custody, you should be prepared for a difficult child custody battle, especially if the child’s other parent is also filing for custody.

How does a judge decide best interest of a child?

The courts think that the parents of the child should be able to determine what is in the best interests of the child, and only if they cannot reach an agreement, the courts will hear both sides of the story and make a determination about the best interests of the child.