Are pensions included in divorce settlements?

Are pensions included in divorce settlements?

The law is such that, any assets that have grown during the time of the of the marriage, pension included, are used to determine the net family property. In your case working with a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CFDA) could help you determine which assets would be most beneficial to keep.

How are pensions split in divorce UK?

There are three ways to split a pension in a divorce settlement, the first and increasingly common way is through off-setting. This is where the whole pension is taken, typically by the husband, and the wife is given other assets – such as property or cash – of equal value. ‘Men tend to not want to share their pension.

How do I get half of my husband’s pension?

In order to gain access to a percentage of your pension, your spouse would have to specifically ask for their share at the time of the divorce – not at the time of your retirement. This is done via a court order called a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO).