Can my ex refuse to pay child support?

Can my ex refuse to pay child support?

Generally, if there are no orders in place, an ex cannot refuse to let the other parent see the children unless they have reason to believe the other parent won’t give the children back or, by allowing access they would be putting the children at risk of harm.

What happens if my ex doesn’t let me see my child?

Some states take failure to comply with a visitation order so seriously that there could be a change of custody, meaning that if the custodial parent consistently refuses to allow the other parent any time with the children, a court may decide to transfer custody of the kids to the non-custodial parent.

Does my ex have to pay child support if he is unemployed?

You are still obligated to pay child support when unemployed. If you skip payments, you will still have to pay them eventually, sometimes with interest. Or you may be found in contempt of your child support order, which could mean fines or even jail time.

What happens if my ex husband doesn’t pay child support?

If you haven’t received payments for six months or more, you can go to court and ask that the child support be enforced. The courts have the power to garnish your spouse’s wages, withhold his tax refunds, suspend his professional license, and even throw him in jail.

What if child is not living with custodial parent?

Generally, a parent who does not have primary custody of his child will pay support to the parent who does. However, sometimes children spend more overnights with their noncustodial parent. This requires modification of the existing custody order to reflect the actual custody arrangement.