How do I prepare for a divorce settlement conference?

How do I prepare for a divorce settlement conference?

Know the Other Party. Take a moment to put yourself in the other party’s shoes. Do Not Get Personal. Attack the problem, not the other party. Consider Timing. Timing can be important. Have a Clear Objective. Be Prepared. Avoid Bidding Against Yourself. Allow Plenty of Time. Write Clear Terms of Settlement.

What is a settlement conference in a divorce case?

The settlement conference gives divorcing couples a chance to review all the issues at stake and to work toward a mutually beneficial settlement, instead of letting a court decide for them. Settlement conferences typically involve more structured negotiation and dispute resolution techniques.

Is a settlement conference a good thing?

A settlement conference also can be a useful way to resolve a divorce or child custody case. This can allow the spouses to handle these private matters with greater dignity than discussing them in open court. The spouses may disagree on only a few aspects of a divorce, which may make it easier to reach a settlement.