Does credit card debt affect your spouse?

Does credit card debt affect your spouse?

But in addition, debts incurred by you or your spouse during your marriage (regardless of whose name is on it) are generally deemed to be community debts and both spouses are considered equally liable. This means that even if the credit card debt was incurred by your spouse alone, you may be on the hook for it.

Can I sue my ex for credit card debt?

Yes, you can sue your ex. You can even sue your divorce lawyer for not insisting that all joint accounts be closed before the divorce decree was issued. But if you are a joint owner on the account, the creditor is within its legal rights to attempt to collect the debt from you.

How does adultery affect divorce in California?

California is a no-fault divorce state, meaning the family court judge is not allowed to consider fault when making major determinations regarding property, custody and other divorce issues. Unfortunately, adultery alone will not result in direct legal consequences for the adulterous party in California.