How long does it take a lawyer to prepare divorce papers?

How long does it take a lawyer to prepare divorce papers?

It will take one to two weeks for a lawyer to draw up a petition for divorce. And, according to Justia, once your spouse has been served, they have anywhere from 20 to 60 days to respond.

Can someone else get served on your behalf?

In family law matters, the person to serve documents must not be the party on whose behalf the documents are served (Federal Circuit Court Rule 6.07). If there is another person who can serve the documents on your behalf, such as a mutual friend or family member, this is acceptable.

Why do divorces take so long?

As a result, outstanding contested issues will cause a longer divorce. For instance, if the court’s calendar is busy, there may be longer waiting times for hearings, trials, and temporary orders. In turn, if each spouse files motions, the divorce process will most likely be delayed.

What’s the longest a divorce can take?

The length of time between the beginning of a divorce case and the completion of the case varies greatly. The shortest amount of time it can take you to get divorced is about 5 months, while the longest can be years (my longest case so far was almost 6 years).

How long should you wait for boyfriend to get divorced?

It just really depends on what you intentions are for the relationship. However, if you want to move on, I recommend NO CONTACT for at least eight weeks (because staying in contact just reopens wounds, perpetuates attachment, and makes it extremely difficult to move on).