Do I need an attorney to file for separation?

Do I need an attorney to file for separation?

You don’t always need lawyers because you’ve separated. Legal requirements have changed over the past decade. Contemporary Separation and Divorce is heading away from the old-school approach, and in a much healthier direction. Unfortunately there is still a myth about needing to have a lawyer to make things better.

Is it OK to date a separated woman?

While there is no law barring you from dating while separated, you should be careful not to do anything your ex and his lawyer can use against you. Certainly consult with your divorce attorney.

Should you talk to your spouse during separation?

If you are separated, it is very important to keep open communication with your spouse. But because you are apart, it is easy to let the poor communication that contributed to the decision to separate evolve into no communication at all. And without good, open communication, most separations culminate in divorce.