How much does a divorce cost in Wyoming?

How much does a divorce cost in Wyoming?

In Wyoming, the fees vary by county. Roughly the fee is about $60. If you want to know the exact amount, you can call the courthouse and ask. Filing fees underwrite the cost of the court system, but in the case of indigent petitioners these fees may be waived.

Is Wyoming a no fault divorce state?

When it comes to divorce, Wyoming is what is known as a “no fault” state. When a spouse files for divorce in some states, he or she is allowed to file based on evidence of some wrongdoing or fault of the other spouse.

Is Wyoming a marital property state?

Wyoming is NOT a community property state, which means that marital property is not automatically divided 50/50 between the spouses in a divorce case.

What happens if you die without a will in Wyoming?

Dying Without a Will in Wyoming If you die without a valid will, you’ll lose control over what happens to your assets after your death. If there isn’t a will, the heirs by law must agree and appoint someone to serve as the executor of the probate estate. The person appointed must consent to the role.