What does short form mean?

What does short form mean?

Noun. short form (plural short forms) (phonetics) A word with the same meaning as another formed by removing one or more of the syllables of the longer word, and considered a word in its own right rather than an abbreviation. “Tux” is a short form of “tuxedo”.

What is long form copywriting?

Some people consider articles longer than 700 words to be long-form, whereas others think that articles have to be in excess of 1,800 words to be considered long-form. For the sake of argument, let’s assume that long-form content refers to articles of around 1,200 words or longer.

What is a Longread?

Long-form journalism is a branch of journalism dedicated to longer articles with larger amounts of content. Typically this will be between 1,000 and 20,000 words. Long-form articles often take the form of creative nonfiction or narrative journalism.

What is long form storytelling?

Long-form storytelling is having a moment right now. Long-form content (1,200+ words) becomes a story when it follows a narrative arc – meaning it has a premise and a plot (a beginning, middle and end).

How long is long form content?

Long-form content is content that offers a lot of information and/or great depth of information on a given topic. Minimum length should range anywhere between 700 and 2,000 words. The upper limit is variable depending on several factors, including focus topic, scope, intended aims, and audience.

How do you write a long form journalist?

Long-form writing is tough….No matter the reason, these tips will help you find ideas and see them through—and to do it all with style and accuracy.1 Know your audience. 2 Entertain your audience. 3 Get inspired. 4 Try a few ideas. 5 Stick to your story arc. 6 Get caught up in the details. 7 Keep organized. 8 Write well.