Are New York state divorce records public?

Are New York state divorce records public?

New York divorce records are not available from family courts, although they fall under the New York Family Court Act, Section 166, which determines public access to family law records. Its records include divorces granted in the state from 1963 to the present.

How do I protect myself financially in a separation?

Splitting Finances During Separation: 6 Things to Keep in MindCreate a new budget.Make a fair division of accrued items, such as furniture, appliances, and electronics.Close your shared accounts as soon as possible.File for legal separation.Divide your assets.Get everything in writing.

What is the first thing to do in a separation?

7 Tips for Starting a Healthy SeparationTreat your partner as you would treat a business partner. Be courteous. Don’t make any significant changes. Discuss the various options for pathways to amicable divorce. Choose your Family Mediator and/or Lawyers. See a Counsellor and/or Doctor. Wait to start a new relationship.