Is a restraining order a civil or criminal matter?

Is a restraining order a civil or criminal matter?

Generally, a restraining order is a civil rather than criminal matter, unless the District Attorney’s office is charging the person to be restrained with domestic violence. Restraining orders are also granted to people going through a divorce, legal separation, or paternity case.

What is the difference between a stay away order and a restraining order?

In California, a “stay-away” order is just what it sounds like: Also known as a Criminal Protective Order (CPO), it’s a court order that obliges one person to keep away from another. However, California courts also use something known as a Civil Restraining Order (CRO).

Is a stay away order the same as a restraining order?

Stay Away Order vs Restraining Order The main difference is that the Stay-Away Order (Criminal Protective Order) arises out of a criminal case and is issued in criminal court by a Judge while the Civil Restraining Order is issued by civil or family law Judges.