Which is better annulment or divorce?

Which is better annulment or divorce?

While a divorce legally ends a marriage, an annulment declares the marriage null and void, as if it never existed. The end result is the same for both options the parties are each free to marry again.

How long can you be married and still get an annulment in Michigan?

LENGTH OF MARRIAGE: The length of a marriage is NOT a ground for an annulment. If you are married for only one hour, one day, one week, one month or one year you are not entitled to an annulment in Michigan unless one of the above ground exist and can be proven in Court.

How long does an annulment last?

This is the final legal document that says your marriage has been annulled and will be needed should you wish to remarry in the future. The whole annulment process can take around six to eight months if it is uncontested. Contested cases may take longer and will require expert legal advice.

Why do marriages get annulled?

Either spouse was mentally ill or emotionally disturbed at the time of the marriage. Mental Incapacity. Either spouse was under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of the marriage and was unable to make informed consent.

What makes a marriage null and void?

Nullity of marriage is a declaration by a court that your supposed marriage is null and void, and that no valid marriage exists between you and your partner. In other words, it is a declaration that the supposed marriage never happened. If your marriage is void, it is regarded as never having taken place.