What is alimony pendente lite in Pennsylvania?

What is alimony pendente lite in Pennsylvania?

According to Pennsylvania law, Alimony Pendente Lite (APL), which is monetary support to a spouse during divorce litigation, is discretionary and should be based on the needs of the receiving spouse. To provide the dependent spouse with temporary monetary support to prosecute or defend the divorce.

What constitutes cohabitation in Pennsylvania?

Cohabitation in PA is recognized when a person is living with someone of the opposite sex who is not a close relative, demonstrates evidence of romantic or sexual relationship, and comingles assets or finances, thus approximating marriage.

How is alimony calculated in Pennsylvania?

The way spousal support and APL are calculated in Pennsylvania is pursuant to a mathematical formula. Without children, you take 33% of the obligor’s net income and 40% of the obligee’s net income, and then the difference is going to be alimony.

Can you get alimony in Pennsylvania?

In Pennsylvania, alimony refers to the financial support paid from one ex-spouse to another once their marriage ends and divorce is final. Despite all the factors laid out to simplify alimony award decisions made by courts, Pennsylvania laws do not automatically entitle either party to alimony.