Does a father have to pay child support if the mother remarries?

Does a father have to pay child support if the mother remarries?

Parents who pay or receive child support must inform DHS of certain changes in their lives. One of these is remarriage. However, child support is calculated based only on the parents’ income. Any stepparents’ incomes will not affect a child support assessment.

Why is my husband’s credit card on my credit report?

There are two possibilities why your husband’s debts are on showing up on your credit report. In the second scenario, your husband may have fraudulently used your personal information to make you a joint account holder on his credit cards, leaving you equally responsible for any debts he ran up….

Can debt collectors go after spouse?

“In California, once creditors receive a judgment, they can collect against either spouse because we’re a community property state,” says John G. Stein, an attorney in Elk Grove, Calif. Creditors can take money (known as a garnishment) from bank accounts….

Can credit card companies garnish spouse wages?

They cannot garnish your husband’s wages for your debt unless he is a cosignor. If you don’t pay the creditor, the debt collection agency can sue you, get a judgment and garnish your wages (when you go back to work) or bank accounts or……

Will my husband’s debt affect my credit?

TRUE. If one partner has had credit problems, the good news is that won’t affect the other partner’s credit reports or credit scores. If the two of you open a joint account, however, that information will appear on both your credit reports (if the lender reports to any of the three major credit bureaus).

How is money split up in a divorce?

At divorce, community property is generally divided equally between the spouses, while each spouse keeps his or her separate property. Equitable distribution. In all other states, assets and earnings accumulated during marriage are divided equitably (fairly), but not necessarily equally.