Are divorce decrees public record in Georgia?

Are divorce decrees public record in Georgia?

Court case records, including divorce cases, are public records. Anyone can get them at any time. The judge signed and filed the Decree with the Clerk of Superior Court (of the county in which your divorce was granted). You will NOT receive the original of the Decree because it is a permanent record of the court.

Why would a judge refuse decree nisi?

When a decree nisi application is rejected It could mean that the judge requires more information to decide if the application can go through, it may require you to attend a court hearing, it could be as simple as an error on the form.

What happens if decree nisi is refused?

Decree Nisi is pronounced in open court. If your application for Decree Nisi is rejected by the District Judge for any reason you will receive a notice of refusal of judges certificate giving the reason. For example, the District judge may want more information in writing or you may have to go to a court hearing.

Can you reject a divorce?

This case is unusual, as it’s rare for divorces to be declined by the court. Both spouses usually agree the marriage is over, allowing the divorce petition to be processed. As Mr Owens did not consent to the divorce, it was necessary for the court to give careful consideration to the facts presented.

What does unreasonable Behaviour mean in a divorce?

“Unreasonable behaviour” is the term used to describe the fact that a person has behaved in such a way that their partner/spouse cannot reasonably be expected to live with them. It is important to understand there is no definitive list of unreasonable behaviours used in divorce petitions.