Is sealed the same as expunged?

Is sealed the same as expunged?

Expungement and sealing are two different options that remove records from public view. Expungement erases the record so that it’s like it never happened. Sealing means that it is just hidden from most of the public’s view, but certain agencies and employers can still see it.

Do I qualify for expungement in Florida?

To qualify for a Florida Record Expungement, your case must have been resolved in one of the following ways: The charges you were arrested for were ultimately dropped, dismissed, or you were acquitted of the charges, either by a judge or jury, and: (1) you have never been convicted of a criminal offense in Florida, and.

Does a misdemeanor ruin your life?

Less serious than a felony, a misdemeanor is a criminal charge that can be punished with fines and jail time. However, a misdemeanor stays on your record for the rest of your life and is the type of charge where a defense attorney can help you out immensely.

How much does it cost to expunge your record in Florida?

Fees and Costs to Seal or Expunge the Criminal Record Those costs include the $75 application fee to FDLE, the clerk’s fee to seal or expunge, the cost to the clerk’s office for certified copies of the final disposition and order.