Should I move out of house before divorce?

Should I move out of house before divorce?

Parenting issues The situation may be tense and uncomfortable for the adults. But unless it is truly detrimental to the children, the parent who ultimately moves out, should not do so until his or her ability to have meaningful contact with them is legally protected.

Should I move out if my wife asks me to?

Even if you don’t outright ask her permission, you still give her some notice for your return. Of course, you can ask her permission, but you need to be prepared to do it anyway if she says no. You’ll also need to be prepared to defend why you should move back home.

Can you legally make your spouse move out?

You or your spouse must also have the intention to move out when the circumstances permit. If your spouse will not leave the matrimonial home, you may apply to the Court of Queen’s Bench for an Exclusive Home Possession Order. Until there is such as Order, both of you have the right to live in the home.