What does mediation mean in a civil lawsuit?

What does mediation mean in a civil lawsuit?

What is mediation in civil cases? Mediation is a process that can help parties to a civil lawsuit reach an agreement through the use of a neutral person trained in problem solving instead of going to trial. A civil lawsuit is generally a case where the parties are suing for money, such as a personal injury.

What happens during mediation in a civil case?

Mediation is a cooperative problem-solving process in which a neutral professional guides the parties in clearly identifying the issues in dispute and coming to agreements that are in the best interests of all parties. The mediator will not make a final decision in the case.

What is the difference between mediation and settlement conference?

The purpose of the settlement conference is to try to settle a case before the hearing or trial. Settlement conferences are different from mediation in that settlement conferences are usually shorter and typically have fewer roles for participation of the parties or for consideration of non-legal interests.