What happens after Discovery?

What happens after Discovery?

After discovery has concluded, if the case does not settle and is not resolved by a motion for summary disposition or judgment, the case will go to trial. Trial requires extensive preparation on the part of attorneys. In a jury trial, the jury is the fact-finder; in a bench trial, the judge decides the facts.

What is a legal conclusion objection?

Calls for a conclusion. The question improperly asks the witness to reach a legal conclusion, which is a job reserved for the judge or jury. Calls for an opinion. Generally, only expert witnesses may render their opinions; lay witnesses must testify only regarding their observations.

What is notice of supplemental discovery?

Supplemental discovery, seeks to find out what has changed since the initial disclosure to uncover any new information that is crucial to the case. After answering a discovery request, the answering party has a duty to provide further information if the answer later turns out to be inaccurate.