What happens if my husband contests a divorce?

What happens if my husband contests a divorce?

If he or she contests the divorce, a Statement of Defence will be filed. For example, he or she may object to the grounds for divorce or to your claim for custody or financial support. If the matter is contested, an Examination for Discovery must be held. You will need a lawyer for this process and it can take months.

Is it worth fighting a divorce?

No one enjoys fighting a losing battle. There’s little point to it unless the sole objective is to hurt the person you’re fighting. But given that every disagreement between you and your spouse can potentially increase the cost of your divorce, both sides get hurt financially – if not emotionally – in the process.

What happens if a divorce is defended?

A defended divorce is when a divorce petition is issued to the Court, and either the other person in the marriage does not accept that the relationship has broken down or does not agree that the grounds stated in divorce petition are correct. Defended divorces are incredibly rare.