How do lawyers serve divorce papers?

How do lawyers serve divorce papers?

There are strict rules about serving divorce documents. You must arrange service by hand or by post on your spouse or your spouse’s lawyer. You are not allowed to personally serve the divorce documents on your spouse.

What does the church say about divorce?

The Roman Catholic Church does not recognise divorce. A marriage can only end when one partner dies or if there are grounds for an annulment . A couple may be granted a civil divorce and be divorced in the eyes of the state, but their marriage will continue ‘in the eyes of God’.

Can a couple remarry after divorce?

Remarriage is a marriage that takes place after a previous marital union has ended, as through divorce or widowhood. Those who choose not to remarry may prefer alternative arrangements like cohabitation or living apart together. Remarriage also provides mental and physical health benefits.

Which religion has highest divorce rate?

The highest rates are among attendees of historically black Protestant churches and people who have no religious affiliation (i.e., the “nones”). The lowest rates were among Jews, Catholics, and mainline Protestants.