How long does Virginia divorce take?

How long does Virginia divorce take?

30 to 90 days

Can private messages be used in court?

Text message conversations must contain relevant, admissible evidence and you must take steps to properly preserve the authenticity of the text messages or else you may not be able to use them as evidence. Like most pieces of evidence, text messages are not automatically admissible in court.

Can Facebook private messages be used in court?

The bottom line is that your social media content is discoverable, and a court can enter an order requiring you to produce it, if it is relevant to the issues in litigation. Even your private messages, chats, and personal emails can be compelled if they contain content that is relevant to the issues in a lawsuit.

Can Facebook private messages be used in divorce court?

Before divorce evidence is admissible in court, it must be authenticated, or shown that it is what you are claiming it to be. For electronically stored information such as text messages or Facebook messages, there are distinctive characteristics for each piece of evidence that make it authentic.