Is it OK to cry at a funeral?

Is it OK to cry at a funeral?

It’s Okay to Cry: How to Embrace Crying and Your Feelings. Finally, remind yourself that crying at a funeral is a natural part of the grieving process. You’re allowed to show your emotions, even if it feels awkward at first. Crying for the deceased is often thought of as a sign of respect to the person and the family.

Why do I cry when others cry?

The idea of “catching” feelings is something researchers have been looking into for years. Dubbed “emotional contagion,” it occurs when you’re interacting with someone who is feeling something strong that in turn causes you to take on that same emotion, says social psychologist Daniel Rempala, PhD.

Is crying a sign of weakness?

False. Crying or feeling your emotions is definitely not a sign of weakness. On the contrary, it’s even been said that you have to be strong to cry.

Do narcissists cry at sad movies?

So Narcissists can cry at sad movies if they perceive the events happening to the character as relatable to them. However, Narcissists generally don’t like crying and being seen as weak, because they believe that someone will go and criticize them for being pathetic wimps and such.