What is your moon sign mean?

What is your moon sign mean?

. Alexi Lubomirski. In astrology language, your Sun sign dictates your zodiac personality, while your Moon sign, the second most important influence in your horoscope chart after the Sun, represents your emotions, your inner mood. And the two together strongly influence your emotional mode of operation.

What does it mean if my moon sign is Sagittarius?

The Moon in Sagittarius has a mission, and can’t be held back by outdated relationships or conventions. Jupiter rules this Moon’s sign, and that means your eyes are on the future. Your comfort zone encompasses a home and work life that’s fast-paced, meaningful, and varied.

What does it mean when the full moon is in your moon sign?

There is definitely an amplified effect when a full moon occurs in your Moon sign. You might find yourself feeling more emotional, more fearful or more psychic and in tune with what is around you.

How do I find out what my moon sign is?

Just enter your date and time of birth, select the time zone of the place where you were born and then press the ‘Calculate Moon Sign’ button. You will see the Sign of the Zodiac in which the Moon was at your birth, as also our description of such a placement.