Can I file for alimony without divorce?

Can I file for alimony without divorce?

It’s extremely rare for someone to request alimony separate from divorce these days, but it is possible. In an interesting 2009 case that illustrates the importance of having a family lawyer represent you through your divorce, a couple were married and had two children.

Do you have to pay alimony if spouse cheats?

If you committed adultery, but your spouse permitted it or forgave you and carried on with your marriage even once the affair ended, your instance of adultery will not likely prevent you from receiving an award of alimony.

How long do you have to be married in the state of California to get alimony?

Under California Law, the general presumption for duration of support is one-half the length of the marriage, for marriages of fewer than 10 years. This means that if you were married for six years, the judge has the right to limit alimony for one-half of the marriage if the need exists (three years).

Does spousal support end when you live with someone?

A Court may order that a spouse pay their former partner maintenance following the breakdown of their relationship (or even during their marriage, if the parties are married), “spousal maintenance”, where one party cannot provide for their own needs.

What happens if I don’t pay spousal support?

Unfortunately, until a spousal support order is modified in court, the payor, or paying spouse, will have to keep making payments. Not paying your spousal support may result in the court charging you with Contempt of Court, which is a serious charge that can result in jail time.