What does a unabridged birth certificate mean?

What does a unabridged birth certificate mean?

An Unabridged Birth Certificate is a document containing information of both biological parents or legal guardians. Unaccompanied passengers under the age of 18 require them in addition to the other required documents (passports, visa stamps, etc.)

Do adults need unabridged birth certificates?

Unabridged birth certificates are documents that contain information about a person’s two biological parents or legal guardians. Individuals under the age of 18 years need to provide unabridged birth certificates along with other legal documents (such as passports) when entering or to exit the Republic of South Africa.

What dies unabridged mean?

1 : not abridged : complete an unabridged reprint of a novel. 2 : being the most complete of its class : not based on one larger an unabridged dictionary.

Which word is most similar to unabridged?

Synonyms forentire.total.whole.complete.intact.unabbreviated.uncut.unexpurgated.

What’s the meaning of celestial?

1 : of, relating to, or suggesting heaven or divinity celestial beings. 2 : of or relating to the sky or visible heavens the sun, moon, and stars are celestial bodies.