Can you live in the same house and be legally separated in Virginia?

Can you live in the same house and be legally separated in Virginia?

To be considered separated under Virginia law, spouses must physically separate and at least one of the spouses must intend that the separation be permanent. For spouses to be separated and live in the same house, it must be clear that they are no longer living together as a married couple.

How can I avoid paying taxes on alimony?

If you are still living with your spouse or former spouse, alimony payments are not tax-deductible. You must make payments after physical separation for them to qualify as tax-deductible. Don’t file a joint tax return. If you and your spouse file a joint income tax return, you can’t deduct alimony payments.

What payments are considered alimony?

Amounts paid to a spouse or a former spouse under a divorce or separation instrument (including a divorce decree, a separate maintenance decree, or a written separation agreement) may be alimony or separate maintenance payments for federal tax purposes.

How long does a wife get alimony?

In mid-term marriages, alimony is favored and may last 1-5 years beyond the date of divorce. The longer the mid-term marriage (for example 17 years), the more maintenance is favored. In long-term marriages, alimony is favored and can exceed 5 years in duration, even awarded up to a lifetime award (to retirement age).