How do you get a felony expunged in Wisconsin?

How do you get a felony expunged in Wisconsin?

Expunging a Criminal Conviction In Wisconsin, a court may expunge your conviction record only if: you were under the age of 25 at the time you committed the crime. the crime carried a maximum period of imprisonment of six years or less, and. you successfully completed the terms of your sentence.

Are air rifles legal for felons?

Can felons own air rifles such as bb guns? Laws vary from state to state and in some states felons cannot own these types of weapons. According to Nebraska State Statutes, yes they can.

What kind of weapons can a felon have?

Convicted felons may possess daggers, dirks or stillettos in his or her residence, but may not carry them in cars or in public. The other weapons cannot be owned. Additionally, in a separate charge, felons are not permitted to own body armor if their felonies were related to an act of violence.

What states can felons own guns?

Today, in at least 11 states, including Kansas, Ohio, Minnesota and Rhode Island, restoration of firearms rights is automatic, without any review at all, for many nonviolent felons, usually once they finish their sentences, or after a certain amount of time crime-free.

Can a felon shoot a gun at a gun range?

A felon can go to a firing range; however, simply being at the firing range where firearms are present can be cause for arrest for violating the Federal Firearms Act. Just because a felon does not own a gun can still mean being in possession of it.