Can you divorce someone through the newspaper?

Can you divorce someone through the newspaper?

If you cannot find your spouse, you can request permission from the court to publish a notice of the divorce in the newspaper or post a notice in the courthouse. This is called a Motion to Serve by Publication or Posting.

Do I pay alimony if I lose my job?

The answer is that it all depends on the circumstances of the unemployment. A court would look at the reasons for the employment change before making the decision of whether or not to vary the child or spousal support amounts. In some situations an applicant may be able to significantly reduce their payment amount.

What happens if I can’t afford alimony?

If an agreement cannot be reached, then the only option may be to proceed with a post-judgment modification action in the Family Law Court. In many states, this will require filing a post-judgment Motion or Request for Order with the Court. A copy of the motion will need to be served to the opposing party.

What happens to alimony if I quit my job?

A job loss can sometimes reduce your spousal support obligations depending upon the circumstances. If the recipient spouse is not in agreement that the job loss should reduce spousal support, then you must convince the court that a change is reasonable in light of your current financial circumstances.