Does a divorced father have to pay for college?

Does a divorced father have to pay for college?

A: As a general matter, most educational expense issues are addressed during the divorce process itself, along with other child support issues. However, when there is no agreement in place, the obligation of divorced parents to pay for their child’s college expenses will depend on the state.

Do divorced parents have to pay for college in Illinois?

The general simplified answer is \u201cyes.\u201d The law in Illinois is that if the parents of a college-age child are unmarried (either divorced or never married to each other) the Court can require each parent to contribute to the cost of a college education.

Does child support continue through college in Colorado?

If a child drops out of high school, but later reenrolls, he or she is entitled to child support until a month after graduation, but in no instance can support continue beyond his or her 21st birthday. If a child is physically or mentally disabled, child support can be ordered beyond the age of 19.

Is a messy house child neglect?

Messy is being lived in you have a child,the child needs to be looked after if you are making something for the child or taking care of yourself they get into things ,make a mess that is life. Your home has be deemed a safety hazard or extremely dirty for CPS to take your children.