Where is the cheapest place to live in West Virginia?

Where is the cheapest place to live in West Virginia?


What is the safest town in West Virginia?

West Virginia’s Safest Cities

WV City Population
1 Weirton 18,542
2 Fairmont 18,430
3 Morgantown 30,855
4 St. Albans 10,161

Which states have the most millionaires?

American states with highest ratio of millionaire households per capita in 2020

Ratio of millionaire households per capita
California 8.51%
New Hampshire 8.47%
Virginia 8.31%
Alaska 8.18%

How many Trillionaires are there?

A trillion is such a huge number followed by twelve zeros. That is one thousand times a billion. As of today, there are no trillionaires who live on earth….Net worth of Richest Royals.

Rank 11
Name Albert II
Title Prince of Monaco
Net worth $1.0 billion

Who is the youngest millionaire?

Kylie Jenner

What US state is the richest in 2021?

Here are the 10 richest states:

  • New York ($88,155)
  • Massachusetts ($83,278)
  • Connecticut ($78,713)
  • Delaware ($77,284)
  • California ($76,195)
  • Alaska ($75,724)
  • Washington ($73,955)
  • North Dakota ($72,279)

What is the most poorest city in America?

Percentage of people below the poverty line
Chicago city, Illinois 16.4%
Columbus city, Ohio 16.3%
New York city, New York 16%
Oklahoma City city, Oklahoma 15.8%

What is the poorest town in Georgia?


What is the poorest state in America 2021?
