How do I get a copy of my divorce certificate in Massachusetts?

How do I get a copy of my divorce certificate in Massachusetts?

To receive a certified copy of your divorce record, you’ll need your docket number. If you don’t know what your docket number is, please call the Probate & Family Court where your case was heard to get your case docket number.

Are divorce records public in MA?

In Massachusetts, the majority of divorce records, also referred to as divorce case files and/or decrees, are considered public information. Massachusetts divorce records since 1922 are located at the county probate court in which the libellant filed.

How long does it take for a divorce to be finalized in Massachusetts?

fourteen months

How much does a divorce cost in MA?

There is a fee to file a divorce, and to get a summons. As of Aug, the filing fee is $200.00, plus a $15.00 surcharge, and a summons costs $5.00. Notifying your spouse, called service of process, can cost around $30.00 or more if he or she lives far away.

What is the fastest way to get a divorce in Massachusetts?

Uncontested divorces involve the filing of a joint complaint as well as a complete separation agreement and are by far the quickest way to obtain a divorce. A contested case involves one party filing for divorce and serving the other party with the complaint.

Do you need a lawyer to get a divorce in Massachusetts?

In Massachusetts, you are not required to use an attorney when you get a divorce. However, before you decide to obtain a divorce without an attorney, there are important factors you need to consider.

Is mass a no fault divorce state?

There are 7 “fault” grounds or reasons, and also a “no fault” grounds. Most people file a “no fault” divorce. A “no fault” divorce is a divorce where the marriage is broken beyond repair but neither spouse blames the other. In Massachusetts, the no fault divorce grounds is called “Irretrievable Breakdown of Marriage.”