What is the hottest city in Texas?

What is the hottest city in Texas?


What month rains the most in Texas?

The wettest months of the year are April and May in western areas, but approaching the Gulf Coast, September becomes the year’s wettest month on average. This owes to the threat from tropical weather systems, including hurricanes, which can bring torrential rains of 5-10+ inches in one or two days.

What is the hottest its ever been in Texas?

Here are the five hottest days in Texas history

  • June 26 and 27, 1980 – 113 degrees. This was a record summer in Texas as temperatures soared into astonishingly high numbers in Dallas and Fort Worth.
  • June 30, 1994 and July 23, 2018 – 114 degrees.
  • June 27, 1994 – 116 degrees.
  • June 28, 1980 – 117 degrees.
  • August 12, 1936 and June 28, 1994 – 120 degrees.

What is the coldest city in Texas?


Is Texas or Florida better?

Florida was the overall winner over Texas in our comparison, using the categories above. Texas and Florida added more residents than any other states between July 2017 and July 2008. For instance, both Florida and Texas have a higher overall crime rates than most other states.

Are Florida summers that bad?

Florida has excellent weather from mid-Oct thru May. June heat is not too bad but it can rain every day almost nonstop. The most oppressive months here are July Aug & Sept (and the first two weeks of October).

What is the most coldest state in America?


Which state has worst weather?

Top 15 states with the most extreme weather

  1. California. Extreme weather score: 73.1.
  2. Minnesota. Extreme weather score: 68.6.
  3. Illinois. Extreme weather score: 67.8.
  4. Colorado. Extreme weather score: 67.0.
  5. South Dakota. Extreme weather score: 64.5.
  6. Kansas. Extreme weather score: 63.7.
  7. Washington. Extreme weather score: 59.2.
  8. Oklahoma.

What states have the longest winters?

Ranked: The 10 States With The Most Brutal Winters

  1. Minnesota. Minnesota takes the top spot for good reason: The state can dip 60 degrees below zero Fahrenheit and accumulate 3 feet of snow in less than 24 hours.
  2. Michigan. The authors say Michigan comes in at No.
  3. Alaska.
  4. North Dakota.
  5. Maine.
  6. South Dakota.
  7. Wisconsin.
  8. Idaho.

Where is it 60 70 degrees year round?

San Diego