Where did the Rohirrim come from?

Where did the Rohirrim come from?

The Rohirrim were descended from the Northmen of Rhovanion and the Éothéod, a race who lived in the vales of the Great River Anduin but were removed to Calenardhon, a plains-land granted them in perpetuity by the Ruling Steward of Gondor, Cirion, in reward for the assistance that they offered Gondor at a time of great …

Who married Legolas?


Why is Sauron an eye?

When Sauron was defeated by Prince Isildur of Gondor, his finger was severed, as was the Ring. He also lost his physical form and from then on, Sauron manifested as an Eye. After losing the One Ring, Sauron’s physical body was destroyed as his power stemmed from the ring.

Why did Sauron turn evil?

Thinking he could gain it for himself or become Sauron’s servant alone, Saruman allied Isengard with Mordor in the War of the Ring, in which he was defeated. However, his deep study of the Rings of Power and Sauron’s other magic corrupted him, and his overweening lust for power led to his downfall.

Is Frodo in love with Sam?

Sam and Frodo love each other fully deeply and with as much commitment that any bond described. Sam even admits it one night to Frodo while watching him sleep.

Is Sauron an elf?

Originally Answered: Is Sauron an elf? No, he was a Maia of the race of the Ainur. At the beggining, when Eru created the Ainur, he created 2 types of Ainur: The Valar, that had more innate power and understood better the aspects of Eru’s mind (each one of the Valar understood different aspects of Eru’s mind).

What did Sauron whisper to Aragorn?

At one point, Sauron addresses Aragorn, but what exactly did he tell him? Sauron told him that he could not be the real king and gave him his requests before they engaged in battle. If you would like to know what prompted this exchange keep reading.

What race is Gandalf?


What happened to the 7 dwarven rings?

The Seven Dwarf-rings were the Rings of Power given to seven Dwarf Lords by Sauron in the guise of Annatar. Apparently the Lords were the Kings of the Seven Houses, as Gandalf mentions that the Rings were given to the “Dwarf-kings”. Four were swallowed or destroyed by Dragons, but Sauron succeeded in finding two.

Is Smaug the last dragon?

Smaug was the last named dragon of Middle-earth. He was slain by Bard, a descendant of Girion, Lord of Dale.

Why is Galadriel so powerful?

Galadriel was always meant to have a very otherworldly quality. She’s among the most powerful elves in the entire realm of Middle Earth, and her power is enhanced by her beauty and her ethereal nature. To heighten this, Galadriel got an extensive amount of special lighting to make her look especially otherworldly.

Was Gimli the last dwarf?

No, Gimli was not the last of his kind: the Dwarves of Erebor (the kingdom refounded after the events of The Hobbit) still existed, and Gimli does return to his people after the War of the Ring. After the fall of Sauron, Gimli brought south a part of the Dwarf-folk of Erebor, and he became Lord of the Glittering Caves.

What age did Legolas die?

This would make him 2931 years old at the time of the War of the Ring. Coincidentally, Aragorn was born during the year 2931 in the Third Age.

Why did Gimli ask for Galadriel’s hair?

From wikipedia: …he admits that he desires a single strand of her golden hair, so that he might treasure it and preserve it as an heirloom of his house. Tolkien made it very clear in his story that Gimli was enchanted (not literally) by Galadriel. He thought she was the fairest creature in Middle Earth.

How old is Aragorn in LOTR?


Is Aragorn’s son immortal?

Elrond’s children were immortal until Elrond sailed west to Valinor, at which point they were given the choice to follow him there or remain in Middle-earth and become mortal. Arwen chose to remain to marry Aragorn. Thereafter, both being mortal, their child, Eldarion, was also counted among men.

Is Aragorn half elf?

2 Answers. Aragorn isn’t a half-elf, he’s a tiny fraction of an elf. Elros, who was a half-elf (actually 9/16), was his very remote ancestor. But more importantly, the heirs of Elros were not given the choice to be elven or human, although the Valar did grant them unusually long life-spans.

Why is Aragorn so old?

The royal blood that flows through the veins of the Dúnedain allows them to live three times as long as normal Men. Aragorn’s heritage is the reason for his longevity, and he’s not the only Lord of the Rings character to benefit from being one of the Dúnedain.

Are orcs dead elves?

No. Orcs are neither dead nor undead. In the animal sense of the term, they are alive in their bodies. Tolkien tells us that Morgoth, incapable of creation, could make evil creatures by distorting and debasing good ones.

Is Galadriel stronger than Sauron?

No. Galadriel is less powerful than Sauron. Sauron is a maiar, (a sort of angel or spirit, or in this case, demon) He was a Maiar of Aule, but was corrupted by Melkor, also called Morgoth. Galadriel is an elf, who is very strong, but not stronger than Sauron.

Is Gandalf immortal?

As one of the Maiar he is an immortal spirit, but being in a physical body on Middle-earth, he can be killed in battle, as he is by the Balrog from Moria. He is sent back to Middle-earth to complete his mission, now as Gandalf the White and leader of the Istari.

Is Legolas older than Gandalf?

Legolas is older than Gandalf. Gandalf (Olorín) is a Maya Who has took the form of a wizard (Istari). If his physical form will die, as it did in the second movie, he will have a “new one”, because he is immortal. Gandalf is 2 019 years old at the time of the war of the ring.

Did Gandalf know he was going to die?

I have no reference handy, but in the movie at least it was implied that Gandalf knew we would die if he went to Moria. It reflects his great courage that he went to Moria anyway, and that he stood against the Balrog to buy the others time, though he knew it was suicide.

Why did Gandalf turn white?

As the only one of the five Istari to stay true to his errand, Olórin/Gandalf was sent back to mortal lands by Eru, and he became Gandalf once again. Gandalf was carried to Caras Galadhon in Lothlórien, where he was healed, given a new staff, and clothed in white, and thus became Gandalf the White.

Is Gandalf the White stronger than GREY?

Gandalf was more powerful as white than grey. His wisdom as well as his magical powers and his physical powers were all increased. He basically was now Saruman (like he said). Gandalf has grey, because he is less powerful, but still one of the most powerful, possibly the second most powerful of the five.

Why did Gandalf not die?

Gandalf was granted the ability to return to his body by Eru Iluvatar, Tolkien’s equivalent of the Judeo-Christian God. He was sent back “until his task was done.” His task was simply to be the enemy of Sauron and help the people of Middle-earth defeat him. It was necessary for Gandalf to die briefly, though.