Should parents be friends with their child?

Should parents be friends with their child?

Parents can build close, personal relationships with their kids and still remain responsible adults. Not every friendship is based on sharing equal status. Consider the parent who enforces limits and avoids worrying her kids with detailed accounts of her adult personal problems.

Why do we need mom friends?

It is worth it because friendships forged in motherhood are inspiring, reassuring, and life-giving. Mom friends will show up for you on your good days and on the days when you find it hard to look in the mirror. They know what you are going through and love you simply because you are on this journey together.

How can I be a good friend to my new mom?

Ask when the best time to visit is. The best way to be a friend to a new mum is to fit into her schedule, don’t ask her to fit into yours. Send a text to find out when a good time to come over is, make the time then text again just before you plan to leave to make sure it’s still convenient for your friend.

What to tell someone who just had a baby?


  • “So happy for you two!
  • “Ahhh!
  • “You two deserve every bit of happiness this baby is going to bring you.”
  • “So many happy and wonder-filled times ahead for you…congratulations.”
  • “Warmest congratulations on the birth of your sweet baby girl!”
  • “Love just got real.
  • “Welcome to the world, little one!

How do I help my friend with a newborn?

How to Support Your Friend Who Had a Baby

  1. Don’t invite yourself over.
  2. Bring something.
  3. Give parents a break.
  4. Remember siblings.
  5. Be a good listener.
  6. Offer specific, practical help.
  7. Keep visits short and sweet.
  8. Send well wishes.

When should you have visitors after birth?

When You Shouldn’t Have Guests Since your newborn hasn’t yet built up her immune system and won’t get any vaccinations until she’s around 6 to 8 weeks old, discourage anyone under the weather from visiting you before they’re well.

Do you say congrats when someone has a baby?

Moderato con anima (English Only) You can say ‘Congratulations’ – your friend has, after all, successfully undergone labour and childbirth! Or you could just say something like, ‘I’m so happy for you!’ You can ask for the child’s name and it should be clear whether the baby is a boy or a girl!

What do you say when someone is having a bad day?

Here are some safe and empathetic things to say when someone you care about is going through a rough patch.

  1. 13. ”I’m here for you.”
  2. “You are so strong.”
  3. “Today was a really tough day.”
  4. “I’ve been thinking of you.”
  5. “I’m only a phone call away.”
  6. “I have no words to express my sadness.”

How do you make someone feel special in words?

  1. 10 Simple Ways to Make Someone Feel Loved and Appreciated.
  2. Tell them how they inspire you to be a better person.
  3. Recognize the qualities you admire about them.
  4. Remind them of how you feel in their presence.
  5. Tell them how you appreciate their presence in your life.
  6. Thank them for their willingness to be authentic.

What should we say when we ask for something?

When you ask someone for something, or you ask them to do something for you, it is essential to be as polite as possible. Here are some ways that you can be polite. A “hello” and a smile go a long way! Say “hello” at the beginning of your request.