What are some encouraging things to say?

What are some encouraging things to say?


  • “You got this.”
  • “Good luck today!
  • “Sending major good vibes your way.”
  • “I know this won’t be easy, but I also know you’ve got what it takes to get through it.”
  • “Hope you’re doing awesome!”
  • “Time to go kick cancer’s ass!”
  • “Keep on keeping on!”

What are some uplifting words?

What Are Some Uplifting and Positive Inspirational Words?

  • Accomplish. “He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.”
  • Action. “Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
  • Ambition. “Ambition is the path to success.
  • Believe. “Believe it can be done.
  • Clarity.
  • Challenge.
  • Commitment.
  • Confidence.

What is Words to live by?

A motto, aphorism, axiom, or other piece of advice that will serve one well throughout one’s life if upheld or adhered to. Sometimes used humorously or sarcastically. I’ve always considered those as words to live by.” …

How do I live my purpose in life?

7 Steps to Living Your Life With Purpose

  1. Understand what life should feel like.
  2. Tap into your calling within.
  3. Trust yourself and forget what others think.
  4. Feel the fear and take the first step anyway.
  5. Rethink your to-do list.
  6. Check in with yourself daily.
  7. Recognize that you have everything you need.

Does life have a purpose?

All life forms have one essential purpose: survival. This is even more important than reproduction. After all, babies and grannies are alive but don’t reproduce. To be alive is more than passing genes along.

How should we live our lives?

Here are 101 ways to live your life to the fullest:

  1. Live every day on a fresh new start.
  2. Be true to who you are.
  3. Quit complaining.
  4. Be proactive.
  5. Rather than think “what if,” think “next time.” Don’t think about the things you can’t change.
  6. Focus on WHAT vs.
  7. Create your own opportunities.
  8. Live consciously each day.

How can I live a more interesting life?

10 Exciting Ways To Live Life To Its Fullest

  1. Be bold. People love an underdog story.
  2. When in doubt, ask the person out. Stop waiting for the perfect moment.
  3. Diversify your activities.
  4. Throw dinner parties or events for friends.
  5. Stop wondering, and start testing.
  6. Get uncomfortable every day.
  7. Passionately study a subject for one day.
  8. Master a skill.

What is the best lifestyle to live?

Here are 10 steps that will help you have the longest, healthiest life possible:

  • Don’t smoke.
  • Be physically active every day.
  • Eat a healthy diet rich in whole grains, lean protein, vegetables, and fruits.
  • Be sure to get enough vitamin D and calcium.
  • Maintain a healthy weight and body shape.
  • Challenge your mind.

What food can help you live longer?

8 Foods That Help You Live Longer

  • Brightly coloured fruit and vegetables. Research suggests that those who eat more fruit and vegetables tend to live longer than those who don’t, due to the nutrients they contain.
  • Dark chocolate.
  • Oily fish.
  • Green tea.
  • Olive oil.
  • Garlic.
  • Cranberries.
  • The coffee bean.

How can I live to 100?

Cut down on processed foods When you’re hoping to live to 100, you need to eat well. And that means focusing your diet on real, whole foods—fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, lean meats, whole grains, and plant proteins. And it means avoiding overly processed packaged foods as much as possible.