How long does it take to get a marriage license in Pennsylvania?

How long does it take to get a marriage license in Pennsylvania?

Since PA requires a 72 hour waiting period, it will take at least three days to get your license. It may take four or five days depending on when you apply for a license.

How do you legally get married in Pennsylvania?

Pennsylvania Marriage License

  1. Both individuals must go to the Marriage License Bureau Office together and complete an Application for Marriage License.
  2. Each person must present photo identification, Social Security card (or passport if you do not have a Social Security Number), and a divorce decree, if previously married.

Who can legally perform a marriage in Pennsylvania?

6. A minister, priest or rabbi of any regularly established church or congregation. (c) Marriage license needed to officiate. –No person or religious organization qualified to perform marriages shall officiate at a marriage ceremony without the parties having obtained a marriage license issued under this part.

Does Pennsylvania recognize online ordained ministers?

A minister ordained over the Internet who has no congregation and no church to preach in is nonetheless empowered under Pennsylvania law to preside over marriage ceremonies, a Bucks County judge has ruled. The Dec. 31 decision by Judge C. Theodore Fritsch Jr.

Where can I get married in PA?

To complete the application for a marriage license, a couple must: Apply at the Office of the Clerk of Orphans’ Court of any County of Pennsylvania.

What is the average cost of a wedding in Pennsylvania?


Is my spouse entitled to my inheritance in Pennsylvania?

If a spouse acquired an inheritance, even during a marriage, this asset is considered separate from a marital or nonmarital asset. Pennsylvania divorce law considers an inheritance a nonmarital asset only if the funds are kept in a separate account and are not used to purchase jointly owned property.

Who is considered next of kin in PA?

“Next of kin” is defined in Pennsylvania Title 20, Chapter 3, §305 as: The spouse and relatives by blood of the deceased in order that they be authorized to succeed to the deceased’s estate under Chapter 21 (relating to intestate succession) as long as the person is an adult or an emancipated minor.