What does it mean when a case goes to arbitration?

What does it mean when a case goes to arbitration?

Arbitration is a private process where disputing parties agree that one or several individuals can make a decision about the dispute after receiving evidence and hearing arguments. The arbitration process may be either binding or non-binding. …

What can I expect from arbitration hearing?

An arbitration hearing is similar to a small claims trial. The participants present evidence and make arguments supporting their positions. After the hearing, the arbitrator decides in favor of one side or the other. An arbitrator is more like a judge, who hears the evidence and makes a ruling.

Are there witnesses in arbitration?

If the case proceeds to an in-person hearing, the arbitrator may allow the parties to present witnesses. If the parties will have witnesses, they will need to exchange a list of the witnesses who will appear prior to the hearing.

How do you start arbitration process?

The arbitration process usually starts with the complaining party giving notice to the other about their intent to arbitrate a dispute. The notice includes the nature and basis for the proceeding. Following this notice the other party has a period of time to file a written response.

Are there depositions in arbitration?

Traditionally, depositions have not been part of the arbitration process. However, as arbitration cases increase in number, some parties and counsel have imported deposition discovery into the arbitration process. If one side needs a single day deposition, then the other side will get one as well, if it wants it.

What does an arbitrator do?

An arbitrator is a person or group appointed to settle a dispute outside of the court system. They will hear testimony from the individuals in dispute and make a decision.

Does Arbitration mean settlement?

Arbitration is a method of resolving the dispute in which a neutral third party is appointed to study the dispute, listen to the parties and then make recommendations. On the other hand, litigation is described as a legal process in which the parties resort to the court for the settlement of disputes.