What paperwork do I need to get married in California?

What paperwork do I need to get married in California?

Key requirements for obtaining a marriage license: Show a valid California I.D., driver’s license, passport, certified birth certificate, baptismal record and photo I.D., or alien resident card proving that you are over 18 years of age. Both of you must be unmarried.

Can I marry an anime character?

You can marry an anime waifu or go for another fictional 3D character whether they be human or not. The only stipulation is that the spouse can only submit one application and it cannot be to an actual person. Of course, there are anime fans who really wouldn’t mind dating and marrying their waifu.

Is it illegal to marry a fictional character?

WASHINGTON – In a surprise move today, US President Barack Obama issued an official Executive Order that from henceforth it is now legal for individuals in the United States of America to marry fictional 2D characters. “I’m so glad we can finally marry!” her word balloon declared.

What is Schediophilia?

Sche·dia·phi·li·a (skə-ˈdaɪəˌfɪlɪə): origin: Greek; schedia- Σχεδία= plan or design, -philia φιλία= friendship, meaning love. noun. Also known as “toonophilia”, an attraction to animated characters; a person with this attraction feels love, sexual arousal, or emotional attachment to virtual beings.

What is it called when you’re in love with a celebrity?

Celebrity worship syndrome (CWS) is an obsessive addictive disorder in which a person becomes overly involved with the details of a celebrity’s personal and professional life.

How do you know if you’re in love with a celebrity?

11 Things Anyone in Love With a Celebrity Knows to Be True About Their Life

  • You sometimes forget you don’t actually know them.
  • You drop them into casual conversation.
  • You’re convinced they’d love you if they met you.
  • You know everything about them.
  • You have their life on alerts.

Is it weird to have a crush on a celebrity?

Having a celebrity crush is pretty normal. It results in a set of impossibly high standards the said famous person would likely fall short of too. They might feel more attainable as actual people rather than fictional characters.

Is it cheating to have a crush?

It’s perfectly normal to have a crush, even when you’re happily in love with someone else. Being in a relationship doesn’t automatically blind you, nor does it turn off your sex drive. The bottom line here is that crushes are normal and they don’t need to mean anything.