How much are plane tickets from LA to Ohio?

How much are plane tickets from LA to Ohio?

Los Angeles to Ohio Flight Information

Flights Depart From Los Angeles (LAX)
Average Price $287.35
Good Deal $132.3
Cheapest Airlines Spirit Airlines, United Airlines
Popular Airlines Delta Air Lines, American Airlines, United Airlines, Frontier Airlines, Spirit Airlines

How much does it cost to travel from California to Ohio?

The average cost to move from California to Ohio is $4,524.42.

How long is a flight from LA to Ohio?

3 hours, 51 minutes

How long is a flight from Columbus Ohio to California?

4 hours, 31 minutes

How far is Cincinnati Ohio from California?

2,271 miles

How long is a flight from Cincinnati to California?

4 hours, 11 minutes

How long does it take to drive from Cincinnati Ohio to Los Angeles California?

31 hours, 42 minutes

How far is Los Angeles from Cincinnati Ohio?

Distance from Cincinnati to Los-Angeles The shortest distance (air line) between Cincinnati and Los-Angeles is 1,894.52 mi (3,048.94 km). The shortest route between Cincinnati and Los-Angeles is 2,171.24 mi (3,494.27 km) according to the route planner. The driving time is approx. 38h 17min.

How far is it from Columbus Ohio to Los Angeles California?

2,243 miles

Is driving cheaper than flying?

Driving might be the cheapest option for you. Even though it can take longer to drive than fly for long-distance trips, gas and lodging can be cheaper than plane tickets, baggage fees, and rental cars. This benefit covers the cost of a hotel night so your only travel expenses are gas and food.

What states have never had snow?

6 Perfect States with the Least Snow

  • #5 of states with the least snow – Mississippi.
  • #4 of states with the least snow – Alabama.
  • # 3 of states with the least snow – Louisiana.
  • #2 of states with the least snow – Florida.
  • # 1 of states with the least snow – Hawaii.

What is the snowiest city on earth?

Aomori City

What is the snowiest city in America?


Which country has never seen snow?


Which country is the snowiest of all?


What is the deepest snow in the world?

Tamarack in California claims the record for the deepest snow ever recorded: 11.5 metres on 11 March 1911. That was clearly some year in the Sierra Nevada, as Tamarack also recorded the largest snowfall in a single month in the US: almost 10 metres.