What is a void?

What is a void?

noun. an empty space; emptiness: He disappeared into the void. something experienced as a loss or privation: His death left a great void in her life. a gap or opening, as in a wall. a vacancy; vacuum.

What is difference between annulment and divorce?

There are two ways to bring an end to a marriage – annulment or divorce. While a divorce legally ends a marriage, an annulment declares the marriage null and void, as if it never existed.

What is the meaning of detachment?

A state of being distant or standoffish is detachment. Your detachment might mean that you don’t cry on the last day of school with all your friends — you’re just not that emotionally involved. When you have a sense of detachment from your surroundings, you’re a bit aloof or apart, especially in an emotional way.

What is the opposite word of detached?

aloof, disinterested; neutral: warm, friendly, subjective, close, partial, outgoing, prejudiced, feeling, nearby, near, involved, extroverted, sociable.

What means detached?

1 : standing by itself : separate, unconnected especially : not sharing any wall with another building a house with a detached garage. 2 : exhibiting an aloof objectivity usually free from prejudice or self-interest a detached observer.