What is a voyage?

What is a voyage?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : an act or instance of traveling : journey. 2 : a course or period of traveling by other than land routes a long sea voyage. 3 : an account of a journey especially by sea.

What is tea cake’s real name?

Vergible Woods

Why is Janie selling the store instead of living there with tea cake?

Sam Watson says that the reason Tea Cake is spending money on Janie is because he is just wanting to ruin all the hard work Joe Starks had done. Janie decided to sell the store because she didn’t want to keep it anymore and she knew that Tea Cake wasn’t cut out to run the store.

What does the pastor say about tea cake?

The Pastor says that Tea Cake has been keeping Janie from attending church. 4. Pheoby stopped at other houses before she goes to Janie’s house in order to make it seem as if she is stopping over there by accident. This way, the others couldn’t ask Pheoby for gossip.

Should Janie Trust tea cake?

Do you think Janie is foolish to trust Tea Cake? Explain. Yes, but no, because he seems to be a very good guy, but everyone in the town basically tells her that he has no money, therefore, it seems as if he would be going after her for her money.

When tea cake is flirting with Janie What does he bring her one morning?

What were the main concerns that Janie had about getting into a relationship with Tea Cake? Why did Tea Cake visit Janie early one morning? What did Tea Cake do that proved his serious intentions toward Janie? He brought her strawberries in the morning so she could listen to his daytime thoughts.

Why did Tea Cake kill the dog?

Janie kills Tea Cake because he had rabies. Rabies is a deadly disease that causes insanity and erratic and violent behavior, so her killing of Tea Cake is an act of self defense and a kind mercy killing.

Is Tea Cake acting out of character when he beats Janie?

Is Tea Cake acting out of character when he beats Janie? yes. he is usually never violent toward Janie always acting out of pure love. Theme of male dominance, Tea Cake needed to assert possession over his wife.

What happened just before tea cake died?

Tea Cake came home complaining of a headache. He had rabies, and that he had almost no chance to recover. Janie held Tea Cake in her arms and wept and silently thanked him for the time they had together. Tea Cake bit her on the arm just before he died.

Why is Janie still wearing her overalls at the end of Chapter 19?

Janie arranges an elaborate funeral for Tea Cake, whom she has come to idealize as the “son of the Evening Sun.” She is so distraught that she doesn’t care about her appearance; rather than wearing black for mourning, she wears her overalls.

What is tea cake buried with?

The all-white, all-male jury finds her innocent. After the trial, the white women of the muck gather around Janie to comfort her, while her former friends stand in judgment against her. Janie buries Tea Cake in Palm Beach on a white silk couch surrounded by roses “like a Pharaoh in his tomb.”

What was tea cakes first symptom?

He soon finds work, and after three weeks, he and Janie take time off to enjoy rifle shooting. Some time later, Tea Cake begins to show signs of an infection where the dog bit him on the cheek. Janie tries to take care of him, but as his illness progresses, he becomes more difficult.

Did Janie get rabies?

After Janie has evidently contracted rabies and done nothing to save her life, she says, “If you can see de light at daybreak, you don’t keer if you die at dusk” (236).

How did Tea Cake change after he was bitten?

Hover for more information. Tea Cake contracted rabies when he was bitten by a rabid dog. This happened during the hurricane that destroyed Tea Cake and Janie’s home in the Everglades. In chapter 18 , Tea Cake and Janie are fighting the storm.

What did Janie tell Phoebe she learned on her journey?

In her journey through life, Janie has learned two important lessons: People must “go tuh God,” and they must “find out about livin’ fuh theyselves.”

What does Janie’s hair symbolize?

Janie’s hair is a symbol of her power and unconventional identity; it represents her strength and individuality in three ways. First, it represents her independence and defiance of petty community standards. Turner worships Janie because of her straight hair and other Caucasian characteristics.

Who is Janie’s first husband?

Logan Killicks

What is Janie searching for?

Janie spends most of the book searching for true love as a sense of fulfillment. She marries her first husband, Logan, out of respect for her grandmother with the hopes that love will develop between them; unfortunately, her quest is not fulfilled in this marriage.

What attracts Janie to Joe Starks?

Joe Starks walks into Janie’s life at an opportune time. She is regretting her marriage to Logan Killicks and hankering to explore the world outside her gate. Janie is immediately attracted to Joe and makes a show of pumping water to offer him a cool drink.

Why does Janie kill tea cake?

Janie kills Tea Cake to save her own life. Tea Cake gets sicker and more violent and starts imagining that Janie is cheating on him, so he sleeps with a pistol. Janie loads a rifle to protect herself in case Tea Cake becomes violent. Finally, out of his mind, Tea Cake shoots at Janie, and she kills him in self-defense.

Is tea cake a good guy?

Hurston depicts Tea Cake as not simply a good or bad person, but instead as a real person who is complicated and not easily understood. However, in the middle of the storm, Tea Cake saves Janie from a rabid dog, ultimately sacrificing his own life in this act of love-driven heroism.

Why did tea cake die?

He was her hero, but he is not treated with a hero’s glorious death. Instead, he is reduced to insanity because of a rabies bite from a stray dog caught up in the hurricane. Because of this, Janie is forced to kill the man she loves to put him out of his rabies-induced misery. That in itself is why Tea Cake had to die.

What does Janie dislike about her husband?

How does Janie feel about her husband? She doesn’t like the the shape of his head or the fact that he has a big belly. She also hates stirring up his smell when in bed. She feels disappointed.

What did Janie hope she would discover once she was married?

What did Janie hope she would discover once she was married? When Nanny asks Janie if she is pregnant on page 22, Janie says, “Ah’m all right data way. She is saying that the real love will come after marriage.