How do you reiterate?

How do you reiterate?

Reiterate sentence example

  1. Let me reiterate a few more points already made.
  2. Let me reiterate what I think duality within my consciousness would be.
  3. I want to reiterate the importance of protecting our homes.
  4. I would reiterate the earlier suggestion that references be implemented.

Can you reiterate someone else?

In Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, however, the definition of reiterate is β€œto state or do over again or repeatedly, sometimes with wearying effect.” This definition is neutral in terms of whether or not someone can reiterate a remark or point of view expressed by someone else.

Is reiterate redundant?

Because when you “reiterate” you are doing something an additional (number of) time(s). On the other hand, when you “iterate” you are doing something over and over again without necessarily specifying an end.

What do you call a person who constantly repeats themselves?

Echolalia is a psychiatric term that’s used to describe what some people with mental disorders or autism tend to do, automatically repeat what they hear other people say. There’s no meaning intended in echolalia β€” it’s simply a mechanical echoing of sounds. Babies do this too, when they’re learning to speak.

Why do I hate repetition?

It’s no mystery that people seem to hate repetition. Often, repetition is directly related to impatience. You can tell that a person is impatient if they get angry after repeating themselves a few times. Our tolerance to repetition may be all different but we all know it’s a bug that’s buzzing around us.

Do narcissists repeat themselves?

Sometimes narcissists use elaborate narratives and have witty remarks, but everything comes across as rather superficial with them. Yes. Not only do narcissists repeat themselves but their comments are often blunt, antagonistic and demeaning.

Are narcissists attractive?

Primarily, narcissists are attractive because they think of themselves as the top prize, and that factors into to how other people see them. They believe in their own value (on the surface, at least), so their charisma and confidence often makes them the life of a party.