What is a Swain?

What is a Swain?

1 : rustic, peasant specifically : shepherd. 2 : a male admirer or suitor.

How good is Swain?

Swain support is currently sitting at a 48.14% win rate with a 4.36% pick rate, according to op.gg. Currently, best Swain in NA server – Rank R expresses his opinion on the Swain support role.

How much be is Swain?


Release Date October 5th, 2010
Cost 4800 880
Primary Mage
Secondary Fighter

Is Swain a demon?

Swain gained a new demonic hand from Raum, as well as all the visions and secrets. With this newfound power, Swain overthrew the corrupt Darkwill with ease, and instated a new order; a Trifarix Council of Three that would govern Noxus according to the Noxian Principles of Strength.

Is Swain a villain?

Jericho Swain, also better known as Swain or the Noxian Grand General, is a villainous playable character in the multiplayer online battle arena game League of Legends. The visionary ruler of Noxus, Swain seized control of the empire aided only by an ancient demonic power and his own ruthless determination and cunning.

Does Swain counter Yasuo?

In our database, Yasuo faced off against Swain in 100,563 games. Using so many matchups for Yasuo vs Swain gives us confidence in our capability to produce informative data and a pro build to destroy your opposition. This particular champion pairing is somewhat common. Yasuo has to counter Swain in 46.1% of his games.

Is Swain broken?

He’s been broken since last year and making him an AP-based champion instead of a pure tank has not changed things. Swain nerfs are on the way, but with most playoffs around the world playing on patch 8.5 still, expect these two champions to be heavily banned in the upcoming stages.

How do you lane against Swain?

The general strategy for laning against Swain is to never get hit by nevermove and go for trades right after he throws out his bird. Once Swain is 6, you have to play around his mana and ult cd. If you see him drop out of ult he can not ult again for 18ish seconds. Without his ult he is incredibly fragile.

Does Swain counter Akali?

Akali encounters Swain in 44.4% of her games. Unfortunitally, Akali does a awful job of countering Swain. Typically, Akali wins a lowly 43.0% of matches the champs clash against one another in. In Akali versus Swain games, Akali’s team is 3.0% less likely to get first blood.

Who works well with Swain?


  • Aphelios.
  • Gwen.
  • Lillia.
  • Rell.
  • Samira.
  • Senna.
  • Seraphine.
  • Sett.

What supports are good with Aphelios?

Aphelios feels good with a variety of different supports. The most success I’ve seen have been with champions that buff his damage while helping him sustain in lane ( Yuumi, Nami). Mage supports like Lux and Brand are also great if you’re looking to dominate the lane phase and run away with the game.

What Lane is Swain 2020?

Swain has a unique role in the middle lane. He’s not a hard carry like Yasuo or Syndra, but one that has the ability to carry games regardless.

Is Swain a Tanky?

This post is mainly for new Swain players getting into the champion, but is a good reminder for anyone. Swain’s rework changed him from a drain tank (kinda like Vlad but with less damage) to a burst/control mage. He is not designed to sustain extended damage/long trades.

What kind of support is Swain?

As a Support with high burst damage even in level one, you can pick Swain against utility supports or any support to be exact. I believe Swain is much stronger than a Brand support, as Brand cannot offer that much damage on the Laning Phase.

Is Swain overpowered?

Swain no longer goes out of mana or loses health. He would deal insane amounts of damage in teamfights, root and slow my carries, all while staying above 75 percent health. He’s insanely overpowered right now, and is now a must ban for any of my games.

Is Pantheon a good support?

Pantheon is one of the few champions that can be viable both as a support and in the mid lane. The champion was originally a mid-game carry bruiser, but players quickly figured out that he can also be a niche pick as a support.

Is Swain better top or mid?

Mid I have more impact in the game, even a simple W in a bot lane gank, your kill pressure is higher since is more likely your opponent is squishy. Top lane is a sad and lonely island, where a gank ends your game. I agree mid he’s better imo.

Is Swain a top Laner?

Why Play Swain Many top laners spend much of the mid game split pushing, which don’t get me wrong is a viable strategy, but that hinders your ability to impact team fights. Swain on the other hand will bring an immense amount of utility to team fights. Consider several areas that he excels in.

Is Swain a top?

Swain also has one of the highest depths of play in the game (top 10-15 vs. the entire roster). It’s comparable to characters like Yasuo, Lee sin, Nami, and Katarina. Depth of play is how much a player will play the same champ over and over again.

Is Swain mid viable?

If yes then, yes swain is viable top or mid. But if the enemy top laner or mid laner actually has a brain and basic understanding of swain you’re basically fcked.

Is ahri good 2020?

Ahri Build 11.8 ranks as an A-Tier pick for the Mid Lane role in Season 11. This champion currently has a Win Rate of 52.06% (Good), Pick Rate of 4.54% (High), and a Ban Rate of 0.52% (Low).

Is Katarina Top viable?

yes katarina top is a thing, but i wouldn’t suggest it to you. imo kat top is only a thing for kat otp’s so they still can play kata if they get their secondary role.

Is Irelia still good 2020?

Irelia 11.7 Irelia Build 11.7 ranks as an B-Tier pick for the Top Lane role in Season 11. This champion currently has a Win Rate of 47.26% (Bad), Pick Rate of 3.19% (High), and a Ban Rate of 1.05% (Low).