How do you divide fairly in a divorce?

How do you divide fairly in a divorce?

Dividing up property yourselvesList your belongings. Working together, make a list of all of the items that you own jointly. Value the property. Try to agree on the value of anything worth more than a specific agreed amount, say $100 or $500. Decide on the logical owner. Get the judge’s approval.

How do you determine who gets what in a divorce?

Figuring out who gets what in a divorce settlement is first determined by separating marital property from separate property, with marital assets being subject to division. The next factor to consider is the laws of the state that you live in, and whether it is an equitable distribution or community property state.

How is property divided in a divorce in Tennessee?

When it comes to property division during divorce, Tennessee is considered an equitable distribution state. Essentially, this means that marital property is divided fairly and reasonably, not necessarily 50-50.

What evidence do I need to prove an unfit parent?

Gather any of the following evidence that you can:Pictures, video, and audio files showing injuries, physical abuse, or verbal abuse;Medical records for treatment related to injuries to the child;Criminal records of the parent; and.Emails, texts, and voicemails from the parent.

What are the 4 types of abuse?

the Four types of abuse:Physical abuse.sexual child abuse (Rape, molestation, child pornog-neglect (Physical neglect, educational neglect, and.Emotional abuse (Aka: Verbal, Mental, or Psycholog-