How does joint custody work in NY?

How does joint custody work in NY?

If the Judge gives joint physical custody, the child lives with each parent for an equal amount of time. If the Judge gives sole physical custody, the child lives with this adult more than 50% of the time and this person is the custodial party and the noncustodial party will have visitation.

Can a father be denied joint custody?

For a father, custody can be difficult to win, even though the courts do not discriminate against dads. Whether you are a father going for full custody or joint custody, you should be prepared for a difficult child custody battle, especially if the child’s other parent is also filing for custody.

How can joint custody be denied?

Also, if one parent has substance abuse or mental health issues that would prevent the parent from providing proper care for the child, shared physical custody might be denied. Most psychological experts and law professionals prefer joint custody as it results in a much better outcome for the child.

What makes a father unfit in the eyes of the court?

What exactly is an unfit parent? The legal definition of an unfit parent is when the parent through their conduct fails to provide proper guidance, care, or support. Also, if there is abuse, neglect, or substance abuse issues, that parent will be deemed unfit.

Can you lose custody for cheating?

While having an affair isn’t grounds for losing custody of the child, there are circumstances that might contribute to the fact that the cheating spouse makes bad decisions or puts their needs before the child. If the cheating spouse is living with someone else during the divorce, that itself isn’t a problem.